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SSH - URGENTE - Ricerca Partner e Profilo Portogallo

01 dicembre 2017

SSH - URGENTE - Ricerca Partner e Profilo Portogallo

Ricerca partner ed un profilo dal Portogallo (link in fondo al testo).

Per visualizzare il contatto della ricerca partner:

Per il profilo contattare:
Mr Joao Seixas
+ 351 21 780 47 00

------- PARTNER SEARCH SSH-EU-SMCP-14 --------
<Reference n.: SSH-EU-SMCP-14>
<Deadline: 13/01/2009>
<Programme: Scienze socioeconomiche e umane>
<Project Title: Tetranormalization>
<Financial Scheme: Progetti in collaborazione - Small or Medium>
<Description: Project Description
The concept of « Tetranormalization » designates the four processes of international standards and rules creation and implementation - in the fields of finance and accounting, quality and environment, international commerce and social relations - that have been developed in a great number of countries, within the UN framework. The purpose of these processes is the shaping of a peaceful and coopetitive « global market ».
The latin countries of the EU have a cultural and legal tradition in common and they have been developping the « tetranormalization » processes since the sixties of last century. They have a great experience on the contradictions and the blockages resulting from the fact that each normalization process has a different orientation, a different governance and different lobbying actors.
The Tetranormalization Project aims to analyze these contradictions and blockages, to identify their causes and to evaluate, from a prospective point of view, the strategies and methodologies adopted in France, Spain and Portugal in order to solve these issues. The main goal of the project is to propose the generalization of some of those strategies and methodologies at the level of the
European space, based on the « Tetranormalization » concept and on the «Strategic Management for Sustainable Development » (SMSD) model.
The project goals are three :
(1) To make a socioeconomic inquiry into the normalization processes as they are implemented in the European countries of Latin tradition, namely France, Spain and Portugal.
(2) To identify the main problems existing, the strategies & methodologies for solving these issues and their impacts in economy and society, based on the « Tetranormalization » concept.
(3) To evaluate the possibilities of some strategies&methodologies generalization at the European space level, with the support of the SMSD model.
The project means are as follows :
(1) A research team in every participant country, which is composed by scientific personnel, coming from the university labs, and by technical personnel, belonging to pro-normalization associations and companies.
(2) The national teams are being integrated in a sole international research network, that will do the theoretical discussion of the inquiry results and the management methodologies experimented, in order to achieve eventually their generalization.
Key words :
Corporate and social responsibility (CSR), sustainable development, international standards, Latin countries.>

<Organisation Type: Altro>
<Partner Sought: Expertise required (key words) :
CSR, Strategic Management ,sustainable development

Target Partner Sought:
Research center; high school / university; public partner; NGOs / voluntary organisations; Associations with contacts with the industry.

Target Partner Country : Italy
Role of partner Research; Dissemination; Training; Other

For further information about this Partner Search, including Contact Person's details, please consult this web address:
