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IEEE MultiMedia Call for Papers

Multimedia in Forensics, Security, and Intelligence January-March 2012

16 febbraio 2011

IEEE MultiMedia Call for Papers
Multimedia in Forensics, Security, and Intelligence January-March 2012


With the proliferation of multimedia data on the Web, surveillance cameras in cities, and mobile phones in everyday life, we see an enormous growth in multimedia data that needs to be secured to prevent illegal use, to be analyzed by forensic investigators to detect and reconstruct illegal activities, or to
be used as a source of intelligence. The sheer volume of such datasets makes manual inspection of all data impossible. Tools are needed to support investigators in their quest for relevant clues and evidence
and in their efforts toward preventing crime. Such tools could support the protection, management, processing, interpretation, and visualization of multimedia data in the different steps of the investigation process.

In recent years, the multimedia community has developed new, exciting solutions for managing large collections of video footage, images, audio, and other multimedia content;extracting and categorizing knowledge;
recognizing patterns; indexing and retrieving information; and modeling data in various domains.
Due to the inherent uncertainty and complexity of the data appearing in criminal cases, applying these techniques is not straightforward. The time is ripe, however, to tailor these techniques for forensics, security and intelligence.

The target group of contributors for this special issue is composed of researchers working on innovative multimedia technology and companies developing tools used in forensics,security, and intelligence. This special issue is designed
to bring the synergy needed to develop new and effective solutions to improve all aspects of crime prevention and investigation.

Topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Forgery detection and identification, detection of stenography
* Device characterization and identification
* Media forensic applications and attack analysis
* Crime scene reconstruction and annotation
* Forensic investigation of surveillance data, video analytics
* Multimodal analysis of surveillance data
* Multimodal analysis of biometric traces
* Authenticity of multimedia data

* Digital/encrypted domain watermarking for multimedia
* Signal processing in the encrypted domain
* Multimedia content protection and violation detection
* Digital rights management
* Robust hashing and content fingerprinting
* Cryptography for content protection

* Searching for illicit content in multimedia data
* Image, video, and text linking
* Multimedia near duplicate detection and retrieval
* Multimedia interfaces, visual analytics
* Identity detection
* Scalable multimedia search

Guest Editors
Sebastiano Battiato, Universita di Catania, Italy(
Sabu Emmanuel, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (
Adrian Ulges, DFKI, Germany (
Marcel Worring, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (

Submission Procedures and Guidelines
Submit your paper at
When uploading your paper, please select the appropriate special issue title under the category "ManuscriptType."
If you have any questions regarding the submission system, please contact Andy Morton at All submissions will undergo a blind peer review by at least two expert reviewers to ensure a high standard of quality.
Referees will consider originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity of exposition, and relevance to the special issue topics. All submissions must contain original, previously unpublished research or engineering work. Papers must stay within the following limits: 6,500 words maximum, 12 total combined figures and tables with each figure counting as 200 words toward the total word count, and 18 references.

To submit a paper to the January-March 2012 special issue, please observe the following deadlines:
* 15 April 2011: Full paper must be submitted using our online manuscript submission service and prepared according to the instructions for authors (please see the Author Resources page at
* 1 July 2011: Authors notified of acceptance, rejection, or needed revisions.
* 3 October 2011: Final versions due.